Monday, February 2, 2009


So I am snared by my own sense of fair play yet again. I have signed up on a bunch of job posting sites for my job search. The Ladders is one that focuses on jobs paying upwards of $100k so I have been spending some time plumbing that site. They offer one "free" advice session to critique your resume. 

Now I know my resume is weak because all I did was set down my work chronology with no thought at this point to resume strategy or how best to market myself. I have not posted my resume anywhere yet because it's not ready to be searched. My resume critique came back panning the entire thing but offering a professional rewrite for $695. Does this mean that I should give any credence whatsoever to the comments the critiquer made? With the ulterior motive of having me hire them, it throws the exercise into question for me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Karin,
    it is sad that we have to do something to survive. Earn a living in a land of plenty. Right now our planet can feed twice as many. But we got ourselves in to a trap of money created by some very smart people to make others 'WORK' for a living. These people have made you 'sell' yourself. People who are at the top are the ones who have over sold themselves. My ultimate desire is to become a monkey, i am nearly there.

    This is a very honest and sweet blog Karin.
    and very simple too as Ruth says.
